Audience in our google analytics. Here you'll find brazil phone number list the age, gender, location, language spoken, and devices your current customers are using. None of this data will be perfect and it should always be taken with a grain of salt. This data does not take into account households that share a computer and google (or any other technology provider) does brazil phone number list not have a perfect grasp of cross-device tracking. However, I always say that it is better to have data than no data at all. Looking in google analytics.
You might learn that 35-44 year old's and 45-54 year brazil phone number list old's buy and use your current product in roughly the same amount. You might also learn that you don't favor one gender over another and that spanish is spoken as much as english. Moreover, you discover that the american coasts are as popular as chicago. If I were to expose brazil phone number list this information, it would look like this below: the presentation of this information reveals a really important information. You are going to have more than one target group of customers to market to.
It's rare to launch a product and only have one brazil phone number list group of people to advertise to. With a product launch, you don't want to limit your groups of potential customers or limit the amount of testing you can do at the start. Before we move on, another place you can check out under "Audience" in google analytics is "Interests." the reason we brazil phone number list didn't mention it before is because of the cross-device tracking issue we mentioned earlier. After google analytics, the next place every team should go is your customer success team.